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The Price You Pay For College by Ron Lieber

Since I am a father to two high school aged boys, you better believe this is a topic that is very prominent in my household right now. Mr. Lieber's book provided my wife and me a greater sense of control in navigating the multiple complexities that exist in our wonderful, but confusing and frustrating higher education system. 

How To Pay For College by Ann Garcia, CFP®

Another great resource to help guide you along the journey to understanding all of the new knowledge you will acquire when your kids approach college age such as FAFSA, financial aid, 529 plans, student loans, net price calculators and so much more. 


The Hard Times Guide to Retirement Security: Practical Strategies for Money, Work, and Living by Mark Miller

Even though this book was written right after the Great Recession of 2008, the core themes and principles that the author reviews still hold true today. In addition to simple and practical tips for saving and investing, there are important topics covered that include how to keep your mind and body engaged in the pre- and post- retirement years while thoughtfully protecting your nest egg.

Your Complete Retirement Planning Road Map: A Comprehensive Action Plan for Securing IRAs, 401(k)s, and Other Retirement Plans for Yourself and Your Family by Ed Slott

Mr. Slott's book helps to provide a simple and useful framework to help you plan for a day when your work income scales down or goes away, and you need to replicate a personal paycheck to help support your lifestyle into retirement. Many of his principles helped me shape an effective financial planning process for the types of clients that I serve. 


The One Thing by Gary Keller

Mr. Keller's book was incredibly helpful to me during my last two major professional transitions. He emphasizes the critical importance of identifying and defining the 'one thing' that matters most to you for your personal and professional success, and subsequently structuring your time, energy, focus and money towards the achievement of that goal. 


The Dip by Seth Godin


Mr. Godin's book provides a compelling argument to 'quit' negative (or even mediocre) life circumstances much faster than your comfort zone suggests while hanging in there and fighting through the 'dips' when times are tough in relationships or goals that truly matter to you. 


The Algebra of Happiness by Scott Galloway

Mr. Galloway's book was incredibly powerful for me to isolate the most important components to a healthy and fulfilling life. This is a book that I often recommend to the college students and young professionals that I mentor through my respective alumni and industry associations.

The Happiness Curve by Jonathan Rauch

Mr. Rauch's book is a must read for anyone who has or is suffering through a mid-life crisis or the mid-life doldrums. There is so much happening physiologically in our minds and bodies during these years, and the book helped me to be kinder to myself and focus more on impact and generosity for the second half of my life.


Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits and Other Writings by Philip A. Fisher

This book is an old-school, 1920s-1950s diary-style narrative written by a very successful investment adviser in an interesting and humble manner. Mr. Fisher was the gym rat equivalent of a stock junkie who loved to analyze companies, understand market behavior, and take care of his clients as a true fiduciary. 


Expectations Investing: Reading Stock Prices for Better Returns by Michael J. Mauboussin and Alfred Rappaport

One of my favorite authors and books to help investors take a practical and useful approach to better assess potential risks and rewards when facing uncertain outcomes. Many of Mr. Maubossin's principles can be applied to major life decisions when considering your current options versus potential risks and payoffs. 

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